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Mānuka Honey: New Zealand’s Sweet Success in the Global Honey Trade



This infographic highlights Mānuka honey and global honey exports

Mānuka Honey and the Global Honey Trade

Did you know that the honey export industry today is worth billions?

Over the past two decades, the demand for this sought-after pantry staple has grown across industries ranging from skincare to medicine.

In this vibrant infographic, Edit Gyenge uses data from to track the exponential growth in the global honey export industry from 2000 to 2020.

The Surge of Honey Money

Despite honey being harvested from beehives since antiquity, honey exports globally were only valued at $442 million in 2000. This number shot up to $2.3 billion in 2020.

RankHoney Exporting CountryValue
(2020 USD)
(2020 Tonnes)
1🇳🇿 New Zealand$333.34M16,547.36
2🇨🇳 China$229.62M127,132.51
3🇦🇷 Argentina$179.58M72,920.54
4🇩🇪 Germany$155.26M31,287.53
5🇺🇦 Ukraine$137.99M78,983.95
6🇪🇸 Spain$109.19M27,187.59
7🇧🇷 Brazil$100.27M45,733.41
8🇭🇺 Hungary$94.85M21,437.72
9🇮🇳 India$87.56M53,288.02
10🇻🇳 Vietnam$71.13M15,597.46
11🇲🇽 Mexico$68.72M21,101.57
12🇵🇱 Poland$58.07M23,472.43
13🇷🇴 Romania$49.99M13,925.81
14🇦🇺 Australia$44.62M6,287.35
15🇧🇪 Belgium$40.48M10,709.40
16🇧🇬 Bulgaria$39.28M13,373.22
17🇨🇦 Canada$35.09M9,112.48
18🇺🇾 Uruguay$31.71M15,842.94
19🇫🇷 France$29.83M4,342.84
20🇬🇧 United Kingdom$27.24M5,651.56
21🇹🇷 Turkey$25.53M5,695.40
22🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia$25.24M3,073.50
23🇮🇹 Italy$23.67M3,743.44
24🇺🇸 United States$20.77M6,002.50
25🇬🇷 Greece$20.09M4,256.29
26🇹🇭 Thailand$18.38M7,773.81
27🇾🇪 Yemen$17.11M1,167.04
28🇳🇱 Netherlands$15.73M3,057.09
29🇨🇺 Cuba$15.67M7,452.37
30🇩🇰 Denmark$15.11M3,158.17
31🇷🇸 Serbia$15.10M2,693.89
32🇵🇹 Portugal$13.47M7,293.22
33🇵🇰 Pakistan$12.44M4,975.70
34🇦🇹 Austria$11.38M1,890.84
35🇲🇩 Moldova$8.99M3,416.76
36🇱🇹 Lithuania$8.49M3,126.86
37🇪🇬 Egypt$7.78M1,675.96
38🇨🇱 Chile$6.53M2,075.44
39🇦🇪 United Arab Emirates$5.76M2,371.64
40🇷🇺 Russian Federation$4.74M2,255.93
41🇮🇪 Ireland$4.62M758.02
42🇨🇭 Switzerland$4.07M406.04
43🇲🇲 Myanmar$3.98M3,160.46
44🇬🇹 Guatemala$3.87M1,414.63
45🇸🇰 Slovakia$3.58M921.78
46🇨🇿 Czech Republic$2.99M715.84
47🇿🇦 South Africa$2.87M753.00
48🇸🇬 Singapore$2.85M542.15
49🇿🇲 Zambia$2.79M951.16
50🇸🇻 El Salvador$2.10M841.85
51🇰🇬 Kyrgyzstan$1.95M451.50
52🇳🇮 Nicaragua$1.95M656.62
53🇭🇰 China, Hong Kong SAR$1.93M484.14
54🇭🇷 Croatia$1.91M401.69
55🇸🇮 Slovenia$1.77M293.55
56🇴🇲 Oman$1.75M454.27
57🇸🇪 Sweden$1.44M227.90
58🇲🇾 Malaysia$1.37M261.76
59🇯🇵 Japan$1.16M118.28
60🇩🇴 Dominican Republic$1.16M428.97
61🇧🇦 Bosnia Herzegovina$1.08M87.38
62🇹🇿 Tanzania$0.98M465.90
63🇱🇻 Latvia$0.97M256.66
64🇰🇼 Kuwait$0.86M93.03
65🇳🇴 Norway$0.86M175.08
66🇮🇷 Iran$0.86M357.86
67🇱🇧 Lebanon$0.85M111.91
68🇮🇩 Indonesia$0.77M238.68
69🇪🇹 Ethiopia$0.73M178.98
70🇪🇪 Estonia$0.73M292.60
71🇲🇰 North Macedonia$0.64M132.12
72🇮🇱 Israel$0.61M170.94
73🇰🇿 Kazakhstan$0.52M195.46
74🇰🇪 Kenya$0.50M97.58
75🇧🇾 Belarus$0.46M104.69
76🇧🇩 Bangladesh$0.38M178.15
77🇲🇬 Madagascar$0.35M80.65
78🇱🇰 Sri Lanka$0.31M28.10
79🇸🇱 Sierra Leone$0.29M96.19
80🇵🇸 State of Palestine$0.28M69.73
81🇯🇴 Jordan$0.27M44.21
82🇸🇩 Sudan$0.25M56.45
83🇬🇪 Georgia$0.25M65.61
84🇲🇦 Morocco$0.21M32.90
85🇱🇺 Luxembourg$0.19M26.71
86🇱🇾 Libya$0.18M25.45
87🇦🇲 Armenia$0.14M20.79
88🇰🇷 Korea, Republic$0.13M21.99
89🇫🇮 Finland$0.12M13.29
90🇸🇾 Syria$0.11M38.27
91🇸🇷 Suriname$0.10M37.96
92🇺🇿 Uzbekistan$0.08M37.11
93🇦🇬 Antigua and Barbuda$0.07M27.77
94🇨🇾 Cyprus$0.06M12.99
95🇧🇯 Benin$0.06M49.29
96🇦🇱 Albania$0.05M7.10
97🇧🇳 Brunei Darussalam$0.05M19.22
98🇨🇴 Colombia$0.05M13.97
99🇶🇦 Qatar$0.05M7.62
100🇺🇬 Uganda$0.04M10.70
101🇼🇸 Samoa$0.03M19.46
102🇧🇫 Burkina Faso$0.03M4.24
103🇯🇲 Jamaica$0.03M3.91
104🇳🇵 Nepal$0.03M7.50
105🇲🇱 Mali$0.03M75.58
106🇹🇯 Tajikistan$0.03M7.33
107🇵🇭 Philippines$0.03M4.27
108🇲🇺 Mauritius$0.03M1.99
109🇧🇼 Botswana$0.02M3.86
110🇲🇿 Mozambique$0.02M12.26
111🇸🇿 Eswatini$0.02M2.29
112🇸🇳 Senegal$0.02M22.56
113🇵🇪 Peru$0.02M2.80
114🇮🇸 Iceland$0.01M13.57
115🇪🇨 Ecuador$0.01M1.22
116🇨🇲 Cameroon$0.01M7.01
117🇧🇭 Bahrain$0.01M0.34
118🇦🇿 Azerbaijan$0.01M0.30
119🇲🇴 China, Macao SAR$0.01M0.81
120🇭🇳 Honduras$0.01M4.15
121🇳🇨 New Caledonia<$0.01M0.70
122🇬🇭 Ghana<$0.01M0.55
123🇦🇫 Afghanistan<$0.01M1.45
124🇳🇬 Nigeria<$0.01M1.77
125🇬🇾 Guyana<$0.01M1.66
126🇲🇹 Malta<$0.01M0.59
127🇬🇳 Guinea<$0.01M0.29
128🇵🇳 Pitcairn<$0.01M0.09
129🇨🇮 Cote d'Ivoire<$0.01M3.78
130🇰🇭 Cambodia<$0.01M0.58
131🇹🇹 Trinidad and Tobago<$0.01M0.07
132🇨🇨 Cocos Islands<$0.01M0.10
133🇱🇨 Saint Lucia<$0.01M0.17
134🇷🇼 Rwanda<$0.01M0.28
135🇬🇩 Grenada<$0.01M0.15
136🇧🇮 Burundi<$0.01M0.13
137🇲🇳 Mongolia<$0.01M0.11
138🇦🇩 Andorra<$0.01M0.06
139🇧🇹 Bhutan<$0.01M0.44
140🇦🇼 Aruba<$0.01M0.05
141🇹🇳 Tunisia<$0.01M0.20
142🇵🇫 French Polynesia<$0.01M0.04
143🇲🇪 Montenegro<$0.01M0.07
144🇱🇸 Lesotho<$0.01M0.02
145🇩🇿 Algeria<$0.01M0.01
146🇧🇲 Bermuda<$0.01M0.04
147🇩🇯 Djibouti<$0.01M0.07
148🇸🇸 South Sudan<$0.01M0.44
149🇵🇦 Panama<$0.01M0.01
150🇬🇶 Equatorial Guinea<$0.01M0.05
151🇨🇷 Costa Rica<$0.01M0.01
152🇫🇯 Fiji<$0.01M0.01
153🇹🇩 Chad<$0.01M0.04
154🇹🇱 Timor-Leste<$0.01M0.05
155🇵🇬 Papua New Guinea<$0.01M0.01
156🇸🇴 Somalia<$0.01M0.02
157🇱🇦 Lao PDR<$0.01M0.01
158🇨🇬 Congo, Republic<$0.01M0.01
159🇲🇼 Malawi<$0.01M0.03
160🇨🇩 Congo, Democratic Republic<$0.01M0.00
161🇮🇶 Iraq<$0.01M0.00
162🇵🇾 Paraguay<$0.01M0.01
163🇨🇫 Central African Republic<$0.01M0.08
164🇬🇲 Gambia<$0.01M0.00
165🇳🇦 Namibia<$0.01M0.00
166🇹🇬 Togo<$0.01M0.00
167🇲🇻 Maldives<$0.01M0.00

In the span between 2000 and 2020, agricultural powerhouses such as China, Argentina, and Ukraine consistently maintained their position as the top honey producers in the world. These nations exported thousands of tonnes of honey globally.

In fact, China continued to hold the position of the number one honey producer in pure volume terms in 2020.

However, New Zealand’s sought-after and expensive Mānuka honey put it far ahead of China and other countries in export value, despite not being anywhere near the largest exporter by volume.

What is Mānuka Honey?

Mānuka honey is produced by bees that collect nectar from Mānuka trees found only in New Zealand and some parts of Australia.

Known for its unique antibacterial and tissue regeneration properties, Mānuka honey has become highly coveted. In some countries it can sell for up to $400 per kilogram.

In 2020, New Zealand earned over $333 million through its honey exports. Most of this honey was imported by Asian nations including Singapore, China, Japan, Indonesia, and Hong Kong.

A Sticky Future for Honey Trade

The production of honey worldwide relies on the bees and the trees, both of which are under threat as the climate changes.

While floods devastated bee colonies in some parts of the world, bushfires and disease are affecting honeybee habitats in others, posing a major threat to the future of honey production.

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This article was published as a part of Visual Capitalist's Creator Program, which features data-driven visuals from some of our favorite Creators around the world.

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Mapped: Europe’s GDP Per Capita, by Country

Which European economies are richest on a GDP per capita basis? This map shows the results for 44 countries across the continent.



A cropped map of GDP per capita levels for 44 European countries.

Mapped: Europe’s GDP Per Capita, by Country (2024)

This was originally posted on our Voronoi app. Download the app for free on iOS or Android and discover incredible data-driven charts from a variety of trusted sources.

Europe is home to some of the largest and most sophisticated economies in the world. But how do countries in the region compare with each other on a per capita productivity basis?

In this map, we show Europe’s GDP per capita levels across 44 nations in current U.S. dollars. Data for this visualization and article is sourced from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) via their DataMapper tool, updated April 2024.

Europe’s Richest and Poorest Nations, By GDP Per Capita

Luxembourg, Ireland, and Switzerland, lead the list of Europe’s richest nations by GDP per capita, all above $100,000.

RankCountryGDP Per Capita (2024)
1🇱🇺 Luxembourg$131,380
2🇮🇪 Ireland$106,060
3🇨🇭 Switzerland$105,670
4🇳🇴 Norway$94,660
5🇮🇸 Iceland$84,590
6🇩🇰 Denmark$68,900
7🇳🇱 Netherlands$63,750
8🇸🇲 San Marino$59,410
9🇦🇹 Austria$59,230
10🇸🇪 Sweden$58,530
11🇧🇪 Belgium$55,540
12🇫🇮 Finland$55,130
13🇩🇪 Germany$54,290
14🇬🇧 UK$51,070
15🇫🇷 France$47,360
16🇦🇩 Andorra$44,900
17🇲🇹 Malta$41,740
18🇮🇹 Italy$39,580
19🇨🇾 Cyprus$37,150
20🇪🇸 Spain$34,050
21🇸🇮 Slovenia$34,030
22🇪🇪 Estonia$31,850
23🇨🇿 Czech Republic$29,800
24🇵🇹 Portugal$28,970
25🇱🇹 Lithuania$28,410
26🇸🇰 Slovakia$25,930
27🇱🇻 Latvia$24,190
28🇬🇷 Greece$23,970
29🇭🇺 Hungary$23,320
30🇵🇱 Poland$23,010
31🇭🇷 Croatia$22,970
32🇷🇴 Romania$19,530
33🇧🇬 Bulgaria$16,940
34🇷🇺 Russia$14,390
35🇹🇷 Türkiye$12,760
36🇲🇪 Montenegro$12,650
37🇷🇸 Serbia$12,380
38🇦🇱 Albania$8,920
39🇧🇦 Bosnia & Herzegovina$8,420
40🇲🇰 North Macedonia$7,690
41🇧🇾 Belarus$7,560
42🇲🇩 Moldova$7,490
43🇽🇰 Kosovo$6,390
44🇺🇦 Ukraine$5,660
N/A🇪🇺 EU Average$44,200

Note: Figures are rounded.

Three Nordic countries (Norway, Iceland, Denmark) also place highly, between $70,000-90,000. Other Nordic peers, Sweden and Finland rank just outside the top 10, between $55,000-60,000.

Meanwhile, Europe’s biggest economies in absolute terms, Germany, UK, and France, rank closer to the middle of the top 20, with GDP per capitas around $50,000.

Finally, at the end of the scale, Eastern Europe as a whole tends to have much lower per capita GDPs. In that group, Ukraine ranks last, at $5,660.

A Closer Look at Ukraine

For a broader comparison, Ukraine’s per capita GDP is similar to Iran ($5,310), El Salvador ($5,540), and Guatemala ($5,680).

According to experts, Ukraine’s economy has historically underperformed to expectations. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the economy contracted for five straight years. Its transition to a Western, liberalized economic structure was overshadowed by widespread corruption, a limited taxpool, and few revenue sources.

Politically, its transformation from authoritarian regime to civil democracy has proved difficult, especially when it comes to institution building.

Finally, after the 2022 invasion of the country, Ukraine’s GDP contracted by 30% in a single year—the largest loss since independence. Large scale emigration—to the tune of six million refugees—is also playing a role.

Despite these challenges, the country’s economic growth has somewhat stabilized while fighting continues.

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